Sunday, April 18, 2010

About Brooklyn Bon Vivant

Welcome to Brooklyn Bon Vivant! We love eating and drinking. That's the basic premise of our blog. It's more than that, though. When we first moved to NYC, we dined out... a lot. It's one of the best things about living in NY. But it ain't cheap. Over the years we started to realize that we could make food and drink at home that was nearly as good, if not better (and cheaper), than many of the restaurants we enjoyed. And we think that anyone willing to do a little research and work can also make really great food and drink at home.

So that's what the cooking and brewing sections are about. These entries are not recipes, per se. We want them to serve as a window into our process, from when we first ask each other "What's for dinner?"; to buying ingredients; researching and modifying the many recipes that are already out there; and eventually using the knowledge that we've gathered to start creating recipes of our own.

If that was all our blog was about, it would probably be enough. But we also love the culture of food and drink, and how it brings people together and creates conversation, friendships, and memories, so we want to capture that. And we love Brooklyn and NYC, and all that they have to offer. We love to travel, though we don't do it nearly as much as we would like to. And yes, we still love dining and drinking out. So we hope to sprinkle in a little of all these things. In the end, it's about enjoying life.

"You guys should really start a blog." That's what many of our friends kept telling us when we'd wax poetic about our latest meal or night out. We're a bit lazy, so it took some time, but here it is. Honestly, we probably would have done it a long time ago if we knew it was this easy.


  1. Love the new blog! I am hoping to see the recipe for the mac & cheese too... sounds delicious! Erika

  2. I'll come eat at your house any day...
